Internet Connection
How Do I Connect to the Internet?
Wireless internet is available in all suites and LAN access ports can be found in the walls of the bedrooms and dens. This will typically look like a white modem housed within a small white wall panel with a plastic cover.
Not all living room outlets will have active internet connections. But wireless internet will be available in all suites on move-in day.
The internet provider has arranged to install a 2-in-1 modem and wireless router in each suite, ready for your move-in day.
Sometimes the modem will include a sticker with the sticker with the username and password. If the modem does not include a sticker, the username and password will also be stored in the modem. To find the account network name (username) and password:
1. Please locate the modem and use the screen / buttons located on the modem to scroll through the menu. This typically starts with pressing the OK button on the modem.
2. Use the down arrow to select Password.
3. Press ‘OK’ again, this will display the username and password on the digital menu.
I’m Subleasing - What Now?
As a reminder to all Tenants - if you have subleased your suite, you must inform your sublet that they must vacate the suite no later than your move-out date.
We encourage all Tenants with sublets to please remind their sublets of the required lease end date.
Should the sublet not abide by the move-out time / date and requirements, the Tenant may be held financially responsible for any delay related to cleaning, inspections, relocating a new incoming Tenant or any such complication which may occur due to the sublet refusing to vacate the suite on time and as per the lease agreement.
Key Deposit Refunds
Note - key deposits are not refunded immediately. These funds will be sent within 60-days from the end date of the lease agreement.
The Sage Living office can provide your key deposit refund by one of three different ways:
1. Electronic Transfer - Refund Authorization Form
Click Here to access the refund authorization form.
You may complete and return this form to the Sage Living office. Sage Living will then forward the refunded amount directly to your account.
Reminder - the amount will not be provided at this time, but will be provided within 60-days after the end date of the lease agreement.
2. Electronic Transfer - PAD Account on File
If you were paying rent using a pre-authorized debit agreement (this does not include RentCafe), and we have your account information on file, we can issue the refund directly to the account. Please respond to this message to authorize our office in refunding the owed amount directly to the account on file.
Reminder - the amount will not be provided at this time, but will be provided within 60-days after the end date of the lease agreement.
3. Refund VIA Cheque
If you would like to receive this refund by cheque, please respond with your authorization. We can have the cheque available to pick up at our office or it can be mailed to an address you provide (In Canada).
Key Returns
Keys must be returned to the Sage Living office by the Move-Out Date:
Office Open: August 27, 2024 - 10am
Office Close: August 27, 2024 - 2pm
Tenants are encouraged to return their key sets within office hours. The Tenant may choose to return their key set within regular office hours prior to August 27th.
Should the keys not be returned by August 27th, the keys will be assumed as lost and the Sage Living office will have to supply a new set of keys for the new Tenants. In supplying a new set of keys without being able to use the returned set of keys, the Sage Living office will then not be able to issue the Tenant a refund for their key deposit.
How To Return Your Keys:
These instructions are provided in an attempt to quickly assist many Tenants and assume for long lines. Following these instructions will allow Tenants to quickly drop-off their key sets without having to wait longer than a few moments for the Sage staff member to review the key set.
Step 1. Please collect all the keys provided to you by the Sage Living office. This may include steel keys and/or electronic FOBs.
Step 2. Please bundle the keys together and remove all other personal keys, tags or keychains from the key set.
Again, please only return the keys provided. Additional keys will be removed and safely disposed of by the Sage Living office. Please be sure not to include any personal keys within those that are provided to our office. We cannot guarantee the return of any non-Sage keys which were provided to office staff in error, it is likely these items may be destroyed or disposed of by the time they are noticed as missing by the Tenant.
Step 3. Please place the keys in a plastic ziploc bag or similar. This way our office will be able to quickly and clearly see the keys within the bag without having to open the bag and count each key individually.
Step 4. Please label the keys to identify the key set being returned. It is best to include:
- your name
- the building number
- the suite number
- the room number
Please include this information on a label or piece of paper included with the keys and include this label inside the plastic ziploc bag. This way our office will be able to review the keys and the Tenant information included within the bag, and then double check the information if later questioned or needing review. This is also helpful if you have a friend or family member dropping off the key set on your behalf.
Step 5. Wait to receive the key deposit refund.
More information on the key deposit refund below.
Move-Out Day: What To Expect
Move-out day is scheduled for the last day of your lease by 2pm.
For many of you this is August 27th by 2pm.
The Sage Living Office will be open on August 27th between 10am - 2pm for key returns.
On this date, and by this time, the Tenant must return their keys to the Sage Living office.
Move-Out Instructions
Key Return Instructions
Key Deposit Refund Information
Suite Cleaning
Suite Inspections
As a reminder - your move out date is scheduled for:
AUGUST 27, 2024 by 2pm
Tenants must vacate their suite and have all personal items removed from the suite by this time.
Should the Tenant not vacate the suite, or have items remaining within the suite after this time, the items may be removed and stored outside of the unit at the Tenant's expense.
Keys must be returned to the Sage Living office by the Move-Out Date:
Office Open: August 27, 2024 - 10am
Office Close: August 27, 2024 - 2pm
Tenants are encouraged to return their key sets within office hours. The Tenant may choose to return their key set within regular office hours prior to August 27th.
Alternatively, if keys are returned before August 27th and outside of office hours, Tenants may return their keys to the Sage Kingston drop box located on the main floor outside of the Sage Kingston interior office door.
Should the keys not be returned by August 27th, the keys will be assumed as lost and the Sage Living office will have to supply a new set of keys for the new Tenants. In supplying a new set of keys without being able to use the returned set of keys, the Sage Living office will then not be able to issue the Tenant a refund for their key deposit.
How To Return Your Keys:
These instructions are provided in an attempt to quickly assist many Tenants and assume for long lines. Following these instructions will allow Tenants to quickly drop-off their key sets without having to wait longer than a few moments for the Sage staff member to review the key set.
Step 1. Please collect all the keys provided to you by the Sage Living office. This may include steel keys and/or electronic FOBs.
Step 2. Please bundle the keys together and remove all other personal keys, tags or keychains from the key set.
Again, please only return the keys provided. Additional keys will be removed and safely disposed of by the Sage Living office. Please be sure not to include any personal keys within those that are provided to our office. We cannot guarantee the return of any non-Sage keys which were provided to office staff in error, it is likely these items may be destroyed or disposed of by the time they are noticed as missing by the Tenant.
Step 3. Please place the keys in a plastic ziploc bag or similar. This way our office will be able to quickly and clearly see the keys within the bag without having to open the bag and count each key individually.
Step 4. Please label the keys to identify the key set being returned. It is best to include:
- your name
- the building number
- the suite number
- the room number
Please include this information on a label or piece of paper included with the keys and include this label inside the plastic ziploc bag. This way our office will be able to review the keys and the Tenant information included within the bag, and then double check the information if later questioned or needing review. This is also helpful if you have a friend or family member dropping off the key set on your behalf.
Step 5. Wait to receive the key deposit refund.
More information on the key deposit refund below.
Note - key deposits are not refunded immediately. The collection of these funds must be coordinated between yourself and the Suite Owner.
Your key deposit has been delivered to your Suite Owner. This means the Suite Owner will be able to refund your key deposit directly.
Suite Cleaning
Reminder, as per the lease agreement, the current Tenant is required to regularly clean the suite and clean the suite before the end date of their lease agreement.
It is expected that all Tenants leave their suites in a good clean condition.
Should the Tenant not leave their suite in a good clean condition, then the Tenant may be billed for additional cleaning services.
All suites will be inspected after August 27 at 2pm to ensure all Tenants have vacated the suites.
Should a Tenant be found within the suite past this date / time, the Tenant may be charged for additional cost of cleaning, storage, rent, and may be forcibly evicted at the Tenant's cost.
Suites will be inspected multiple times at random during the day and night after August 27 at 2pm.
We remind all Tenants to take photos of the suite before they vacate on August 27th.
Suite Owners will have the ability to review the suite after the move-out date and additional inspections of the suite will take place after the move-out date. These inspections may reveal damages or other items which the Suite Owner would like to charge back to the Tenant through the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Suite Owners can now seek collection for such damages for up to 1-year from the end date of the lease agreement.
We encourage all Tenants to keep documents or reports of damages that may still exist within the suite (new or old) at the time you vacate the suite. This way, you will better protect and represent yourself should your Suite Owner attempt to collect for damages incorrectly.
Moving From Suite to Suite
Have You Been Contacted By Sage Living And Been Told You’re Eligible For A Suite To Suite Move?
We are Here to Help!
Completing a Suite to Suite (S2S) move can be a bit tricky, but this article will help guide you through the process. All Items are due by August 18th.
What Is A ‘Suite To Suite’ Move?
Simple, a ‘suite to suite’ move is when a Tenant moves from one Sage suite to another Sage suite.
This will typically occur when a Tenant who currently lives in a Sage suite has then secured a new lease within the Sage portfolio.
There are some requirements for completing a ‘suite to suite’ move:
1. Both the current suite where the Tenant occupies and the new suite that the Tenant will move into must be managed within the Sage Living portfolio.
While some suites as branded as Sage suites, not all suite owners have retained Sage as their management company. We cannot perform a ‘suite to suite’ move unless both the current and the new suite are both managed by Sage Living.
2. The Tenant must have all lease items complete prior to the deadline set by the Sage Living office. This simply ensures that there are no complications when completing a the Tenant’s move and both the current and new Suite Owners will have all payments and paperwork complete on time.
3. The Tenant will be provided a short period of time where they will be expected to move from one suite to another. Typically this will take place on a specific date provided by Sage Living within an approximate 4-6 hour time frame. The dates provided by the Sage office cannot be requested by the Tenant, rather these must be assigned by Sage Living and cannot be altered.
Keep in mind that while you may want to move from one Sage suite to another, someone else may want to move from their Sage suite to your current suite, or from the suite you want to occupy to another Sage suite. Each ‘suite to suite’ move must be completed within the specific time and date provided to ensure all Tenants can complete their moves on time without negatively affecting other Tenants.
STEP 1 - Complete All Required Lease Items
Tenants must complete all required lease items to be approved. This includes the completion of your Tenant Insurance, First Month Rent Payment, Lease Document and any other required item instructed by Sage Living.
All Items including Insurance and September Rent must be collected by August 18th to be approved for a Suite to Suite Move.
Questions about insurance?
You can sign up with your own insurance provider or with our recommended insurance provider Morison Insurance.
Please see the following link:
They can be reached at:
Please also send a copy of this insurance to your suite owner directly.
Need help completing first month rent?
STEP 2 - Complete The Early Move-In & Cleaning Waiver
All Tenants who would like to complete an Early Move-In or a S2S move must complete the required waiver.
STEP 3 - Complete Payment
All Tenants who would like to complete an Early Move-In or S2S move must complete payment as included within the waiver. Cost is listed at $250 + HST - Total of $282.50 CAD
Some Tenants may wish to pay in person, but all Tenants have the option to complete a pre-payment for this amount. This can be accomplished through RentCafe just like completing your September rent pre-payment.
STEP 4 - Your Move-In Schedule
Once all items are complete, Sage Living will confirm your move-in schedule.
If You Are Completing An Early Move-In
You will be provided a specific time for your move-in time / date. Early move-in times can begin as early as August 28th but may be scheduled as late as August 30th. We will do our best to move everyone into their suite as early as possible, but we will not be able to accommodate requested times / dates.
Keys will not be made available before this specific time and will only be made available for pick-up within our office hours. Specific pick-up times will be provided upon approval of your Early Move-In application.
If You Are Completing A Suite To Suite Move
You will be provided a specific time for your move-in time / date. Tenants WILL NOT be permitted to select their Suite to Suite movement date, but will be provided a day to move from their current suite to their new suite between August 28th - August 30th.
On your movement date the Tenant will be asked to pick up their new suite keys at 11am.
Tenants must return their current suite keys to the Sage Office by 1pm that same day.
This means you must remove all personal items out of your current suite by 1pm on your provided movement day. This is very important as another Tenant may also want to move into your current suite early.
Move-In Day Info - September
Move-in day is scheduled for September 1st.
Please review items below to learn more about your move-in day and what to expect this September.
Important Topics
Move-In Time, Date + Location
What To Bring + What To Expect
Key Collection Hours
What’s Next?
Move-In Time + Date + Location
Move-In Day is scheduled for as early as September 1st.
Key collection will begin at 9 am and end at 6 pm.
Hours During Move-In Week
Sunday Sept 1st: 9 am - 6 pm
Monday Sept 2nd: CLOSED For Labour Day
Tuesday Sept 3rd: 11 am - 4 pm
Wednesday Sept 4th: 11 am - 4 pm
Thursday Sept 5th: 11 am - 4 pm
Friday Sept 6th: 11 am - 4 pm
Tenants are instructed to collect their keys directly at Sage Kingston
652 Princess Street, Kingston on their scheduled move-in day.
Keys will be available in one of two locations:
Location 1: Sage Kingston Lobby - 652 Princess St, Kingston, ON - lobby.
Requirements: All lease items and payments including first month’s rent must be completed. Tenants will be informed of any outstanding items prior to their move-in date.
Location 2: Sage Kingston Office - 652 Princess St, Kingston, ON - unit 112 (entrance facing Princess Street)
Requirements: If there are still outstanding lease items which may include first month’s rent payment, and/or insurance. Tenants will be informed of any outstanding items prior to their move-in date.
Debit terminal will be available for payment.
Location 1:
Location 2:
Once the Tenant has collected their key package, they can continue to the elevators and to their suite.
Staff will be onsite at either locations to offer assistance and help our new Sage Tenants.
What To Bring + What To Expect
Please bring your government issued photo ID
Accepted forms of ID include:
- Driver’s Licence
- Passports
- Resident Cards
Non-accepted forms of ID
- Health Cards
- Student Cards
- Work ID Cards
Tenant’s collecting keys at Sage Kingston may expect to see a long but fast moving line.
Tenants who have complete lease items will be able to simply show their ID and collect their keys at location 1. A majority of Tenants have complete lease items.
Tenants who have incomplete lease items must complete these items before keys can be collected. Tenants with incomplete lease items may expect a delay. This may affect approximately 15% of all new Tenants. We encourage all new Tenants to complete all outstanding items to avoid delays on their move-in day.
Sage Living staff will first ask to review your government issued photo ID.
Staff will compare the ID to your person and the Tenant name on file.
Once we confirm your identity, Staff will provide you with your new key package.
The key package will include a QR code. The QR code will direct Tenants to a link with helpful resources offered by Sage Living.
Tenants can then use the key to access their suite and begin moving into their brand new Sage suite. Please keep in mind that elevators and parking spaces for the purpose of moving into the building cannot be scheduled.
We encourage all Tenants to share the elevator and to the best of their abilities while also abiding by government social distancing guidelines.
Key Collection Hours
Key collection hours will begin September 1st at 9am and end at 5pm.
If you are collecting keys after September 1st - Tenants must collect their key sets within office hours at the Sage Office located in unit 112 on the ground floor of the building. Entrance to the office is facing Princess Street.
Regular Office Hours After Move-In Week Follow This Typical Schedule:
Monday 11 am - 4 pm
Tuesday 11 am - 4 pm
Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm
Thursday 11 am - 4 pm
Friday 11 am - 4 pm
If you cannot collect your keys on your move-in day, or cannot collect keys within office hours, you may choose to authorize a friend or family member as someone who can pick up keys on your behalf within office hours.
To authorize someone as a person who is able to collect your keys, please complete the following steps:
1. Before August 30th, please email and provide the name of the person picking up your keys.
Please include the name, email and phone number of the person picking up keys on your behalf. Please also remind that person to bring their government issued photo ID when visiting our office. Government issued ID’s must be reviewed before our office staff can provide keys.
2. Please instruct your authorized individual to pick up your suite keys on the move-in date or within office hours. Authorized individuals must show their government issued photo ID to receive key sets.
3. Please remind your authorized individual to check the keys immediately.
Sometimes Tenants will instruct their authorized person to collect keys to then collect keys from this person after hours.
Some keys may be brand new keys and could fail or need to be re-cut. If they are not tested during office hours by your authorized person, and the keys or lock does not work, then Tenants could experience difficulties and not be able to access their suite after hours.
If Sage is made aware of a problem concerning a miss-cut key set during office hours, we can quickly work to assist and recut or repair the problem.
What’s Next?
Please take your time to review the above information.
We understand this is a lot of information to review and you will have highly specific and potentially complex questions relating to your specific situation. We are happy to assist and answer all questions, but response time may vary as we expect a high volume of questions for new Sage Kingston Tenants.
Welcome To Sage
We are overjoyed to have you living with Sage. Please review the information provided on this webpage for important information relating to your Sage Living suite and Sage Living Management INC.
Next Steps
Review Your Tenant Profile On RentCafe
Complete Move-In Deficiency Report (Due 7-Days After Lease Start Date)
Review Additional Important Information Below
Step 1
Review Your Tenant Profile
RentCafe provides each Tenant with an online portal that helps to make work orders, pay rent, view receipts, and manage leases.
This is available online or can be downloaded as an application on your mobile device.
Click this link if you haven’t already created an account. This link will take you to the login page: CLICK HERE
To Register - you will need to enter your name and email address as it appears on your lease agreement.
Step 2
Move-In Deficiency Report (DUE 7 DAYS AFTER LEASE START DATE)
Procedure for Submitting Deficiency Reports:
Timing: You have 7 days from your lease date to submit a deficiency report.
Submission Method: Send the deficiency report via email to
Subject Line:
Start the subject line with "DEFICIENCY REPORT".
Include the building code and unit number after that.
Single Report per Unit (for 2 or 3 bedroom units):
If your unit is a 2 or 3 bedroom, only one tenant needs to submit a deficiency report for the entire unit. Coordinate within your household to ensure only one report is submitted.
Information to Include in the Report:
Room Location: Specify the exact room where each deficiency is located (e.g., Bedroom 1, Kitchen, Bathroom).
Description: Provide a thorough description of each deficiency. Include details such as what the issue is, what is wrong or missing, and any relevant information that will help us understand the problem.
Picture: Attach a clear picture of each deficiency. Ensure the picture is well-lit and shows the issue clearly to aid in identification.
Format Example:
Dear Maintenance Team,
I am submitting the following deficiencies found in Unit 101 of Sage Kingston:
1. Room: Bedroom 1
Description: There is a scratch on the wall near the window.
Picture: (Attached picture labeled below)
2. Room: Kitchen
Description: The cabinet door under the sink is loose
Picture: (Attached picture labeled below)
Confirmation: Once your report is received, you should receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your deficiency report.
Additional Notes:
Ensure all information provided is accurate and complete to expedite the resolution process.
Include contact information (phone number or alternative email) in case further clarification is needed.
Keep copies of your deficiency report and any correspondence for your records.
If there is an emergency, such as smoke detectors going off, leaks or a significantly dirty unit, please contact
By following this procedure, you will help us efficiently address and resolve any deficiencies in your unit. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining our community standards.
Special note:
All maintenance requests are also emailed to your landlord when submitted. The Sage Living staff does not have the ability to take action and coordinate a repair for your suite without the express permission of your landlord. If there is a delay in response from our office, it is likely we are waiting for your landlord to respond and provide instructions to our office. Larger wait times are expected during the first few weeks of September. There is typically a larger volume of work requests as new Tenants occupy the building which can lead to a larger backlog of work. With there being only a handful of trusted vendors in the area to complete work requests, the Sage Living team may not be able to coordinate your maintenance request within a short period of time should the landlord provide delayed instructions or should vendors not have the ability to schedule repairs immediately.
Additional Information
How Do I Make A Work Order?
What Do I Do If I’m Locked Out?
How Do I Connect To The Internet?
How Do I Contact The Hydro Provider?
What Do I Do With My Garbage?
Where Can I Park?
Where Can I Store My Bike?
How Can I Locate My Storage Locker?
How Do I Make A Work Order?
After you’ve made your Deficiency Report, you can make new work orders for new items that may become damaged during your stay.
Submission Method: Send the work order via email to
Subject Line:
Start the subject line with emphasizing the issue.
Include the building code and unit number.
Format example: "Toilet Not Flushing - SAGE KINGSTON UNIT 101".
2. Information to Include in the Email
Room Location: Specify the exact room where each deficiency is located (e.g., Bedroom 1, Kitchen, Bathroom).
Description: Provide a thorough description of each deficiency. Include details such as what the issue is, what is wrong or missing, and any relevant information that will help us understand the problem.
Picture: Attach a clear picture of each deficiency. Ensure the picture is well-lit and shows the issue clearly to aid in identification.
Special note:
All maintenance requests are also emailed to your landlord when submitted. The Sage Living staff does not have the ability to take action and coordinate a repair for your suite without the express permission of your landlord. If there is a delay in response from our office, it is likely we are waiting for your landlord to respond and provide instructions to our office. Larger wait times are expected during the first few weeks of September. There is typically a larger volume of work requests as new Tenants occupy the building which can lead to a larger backlog of work. With there being only a handful of trusted vendors in the area to complete work requests, the Sage Living team may not be able to coordinate your maintenance request within a short period of time should the landlord provide delayed instructions or should vendors not have the ability to schedule repairs immediately.
Additionally, we understand some Tenants may re-submit the same work request multiple times assuming this will generate a faster response. Know that this will not generate a faster response time or quicken the repair time required for your maintenance request. Likely, this will cause a greater backlog of work within your suite, may confuse staff or your landlord, and may slow response times for your suite.
2. What Do I Do If I’m Locked Out?
If you have locked yourself out of your suite or bedroom, you have three options:
Option 1: If you have lost your key during regular business hours (Monday - Friday from 11 am - 4 pm) and you are not able to recover the missing or lost key: you may come to the Sage Kingston office and request a new key for a fee.
Wait time can vary and key cost will depend on the type of key required. Individual key pricing may vary between $25 - $150 / key depending on the type.
Option 2: If you have been locked out during regular business hours (Monday - Friday from 11 am to 4 pm) and the key is inside your suite or room: you may come to the Sage Living office or call and request someone unlock the door on your behalf.
Someone will be able to visit the suite to assist within the same business day, but this may take between 1-4 hours to complete. Time may vary depending on the number of requests or available staff.
Option 3: If you have lost your key or been locked out after hours: you may call (613) 876-5736 for after-hours contractors. A member of their staff will assist and coordinate one of the two previously discussed options.
3. How Do I Connect to the Internet?
Wireless internet is available in all suites and LAN access ports can be found in the walls of the bedrooms and dens. This will typically look like a white modem housed within a small white wall panel with a plastic cover.
Not all living room outlets will have active internet connections. But wireless internet will be available in all suites on move-in day.
The internet provider has arranged to install a 2-in-1 modem and wireless router in each suite, ready for your move-in day.
Sometimes the modem will include a sticker with the sticker with the username and password. If the modem does not include a sticker, the username and password will also be stored in the modem. To find the account network name (username) and password:
1. Please locate the modem and use the screen / buttons located on the modem to scroll through the menu. This typically starts with pressing the OK button on the modem.
2. Use the down arrow to select Password.
3. Press ‘OK’ again, this will display the username and password on the digital menu.
4. How To Connect With The Hydro Provider?
Metergy Solutions will provide hydro sub-metering services for Sage Kingston.
Each Tenant has provided a completed copy of their Hydro Agreement. These agreements are being forwarded by Sage to Metergy on your behalf.
Metergy will provide their first bills to all Tenants as soon as possible, but Tenants can expect their first bill to arrive after about 2-months. There is no cause for concern if there is a delay, the first bill can take longer to process and send to new customers.
Metergy has informed our office that multiple payment and invoice options will be provided to Sage Tenants. As a new policy Metergy will be charging a small fee for paper invoicing. We understand there is no additional cost for online / digital invoicing.
Welcome Letter From Metergy - CLICK HERE
5. What Do I Do With My Garbage?
Garbage chutes are available on every floor near the elevators. Garbage chutes can only be used when disposing of regular sized waste items. This is limited to waste items that can fit in a normal white kitchen garbage bag. Larger waste items can clog the garbage chute.
Tenants will have to bring down large waste items and place these items within one of the large garbage bins at the rear of the building.
Building representatives will review camera footage to determine which Tenants continue to place waste items in the hallways and/or which Tenants have clogged the garbage chute. Tenants who continue to leave waste items in the hallways will be contacted by building representatives and charge the cost of garbage removal. Cost will be a reasonable amount at the contractor’s discretion.
6. Where Can I Park?
Please note that there is no visitor parking for this building. Any unauthorized vehicles parked in the above ground parking lot will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
If you wish to secure a permanent parking spot please submit a request by emailing Someone from our team will contact you regarding availability and pricing.
7. Where Can I Store My Bike?
Sage Kingston has multiple bike rooms that can be used throughout your stay. Please review the photos below to locate the bike rooms.Simply tap your fob against the black box at the entrance to gain access to these rooms.
8. How Can I Locate My Storage Locker?
Some Tenants have rented storage lockers as part of their lease agreement.
This information will be included on the first page of your lease agreement.
Please review your lease agreement to locate your locker unit number.
Lockers are numbers are three digits long. Example: locker number 277
The first number in your three digit locker number indicates the floor where your locker is located. Using the example above (locker number 277), this locker is located on floor 2.
The second two digits of your locker number will indicate the actual locker. Using the example above (locker number 277), this locker is number 77 on this floor.
We’ve included a map of the building: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Special Note:
You key fob is programmed to work only for the room where your locker is stored. You will not be able to access locker rooms where your locker is not stored.
Some locker rooms will include multiple lockers. Tenants are required to purchase their own padlock to secure their locker. If others are using your locker without permission, please contact Sage Living or your suite owner.
A Tenant will only have access to their locker space until the end date of their lease agreement. Fobs will be deactivated on your move-out date. We do suggest Tenants prepare to relocate stored items prior to their move-out date to ensure they have the needed access to their locker during their move-out.
Tenant Insurance
Tenant Insurance is a required leasing item for all Sage locations. All Sage Tenants must secure Tenant (renter’s) insurance before collecting their keys this September. Our office will not be able to provide key sets to any Tenant without first collecting proof of Tenant insurance.
All Tenants must secure Tenant insurance for the duration of their Tenancy. Currently Sage will be requesting Tenant insurance with the following requirements:
- Start Date: September 1, 2024
- Minimum End Date: August 27, 2025
- Minimum Content Coverage: $25,000
- Minimum Liability Coverage: $2,000,000
Many Tenants will be able to secure Tenant insurance through their current insurers used by their parents, or through their auto-insurance provider. Select banks can also offer Tenant insurance.
Tenants are not required to use a specific insurer, but Sage has worked closely with a trusted insurance provider who has agreed to offer all Sage Tenants a standard insurance policy. This can be used if Tenants have no other options.
Morison Insurance
Morison Insurance is a trusted insurance provider, offering a quick and convenient insurance package exclusively for Sage Tenants.
Here are the steps to completing the registration of Tenant insurance through Morison Insurance:
Step 1: Click The Link
- super easy, just click the link here: Click Here
Step 2: Find Your Building
- simply scroll down to find your building: 652 Princess Street
- click the button titled “I’m Moving Here”
Step 3: Enter Your Lease Details
- enter your suite number and move-in date within the correct fields
- please set your start date as September 1, 2024 (or other date, as appropriate)
- click “Review Plan”
Step 4: Review Your Package
- you will then be able to review your coverage
- click “Select”
Step 5: Enter Your Tenant Information
- you will then need to input your name (as it appears on your lease and photo ID), date of birth, phone number, and email
- click “Payment Info”
Step 6: Complete Payment
- payments can be completed by credit card
- input your billing information including the card holder name, address, city, province, country and card information
- click to check the box indicating that your have read, reviewed and agreed to the terms offered by Morison Insurance
- click “Submit”
Step 7: Send Proof to Sage
- the insurance provider will email you proof of payment and a copy of your policy
- please send a copy of the confirmation message sent from Morison to Sage
email to:
Disclaimer: Sage Living Management Inc. makes no financial gain or profit from the referral of Morison Insurance as a recommended insurance provider. Sage has partnered with Morison Insurance in effort to offer a basic standard coverage offering as a convenience and to Tenants who otherwise have no other option or are unable to secure Tenant insurance through other means.
Note that your Rent Cafe account WILL NOT display a charge for September rent at this time.
We are requesting Tenants create a pre-payment for their rent amount.
Here is how:
Go To:
Click ‘Resident Services’ in the top right corner
Step 2
Click the ‘Login / Payment’ link to access Rent Cafe
Step 3
Login to Rent Cafe by using your email and password
The email MUST be the same as the email you provided when signing your lease
Step 4
Under ‘Payments’ tab, select PAY NOW
Please make sure you first register a payment account or debit card with RentCafe
Step 5
Select your payment account
Include the rent amount into the extra payment box
Click ‘Next’
Step 6
REMEMBER to make sure you have enough funds in your account to complete the payment. If you do not have enough funds in your account you may receive an NSF fee and have to complete the payment again in the future.
To make a payment with a bank account, there is a $1.95 fee per transaction
To make a payment with debit card, there is a 0.75% service fee through Rent Cafe
To make a payment with a credit card, there is a 1.75% service fee through Rent Cafe
Please click the box stating you accept and then click ‘Submit Payment’
Once complete, your will receive a confirmation email from Rent Cafe.
Please send confirmation email to
Please specify your BUILDING, SUITE and ROOM within the Subject of the Email
Thank you!